
Ultimate fishing simulator wiki
Ultimate fishing simulator wiki

46 # More language files (if available) can be found in the plugins data folder. 39 Mob List : 40 - SKELETON 41 - ZOMBIE 42 43 System : 44 45 # The enabled language file. 36 Trigger Amount : 6 37 38 # What mobs should be thrown when the AFK challenge is Triggered. During which a random mob listed below 35 # will be thrown at the player.

ultimate fishing simulator wiki

26 Economy : Vault 27 28 AFK : 29 30 # Should AFK challenges be enabled? 31 Challenges : true 32 33 # How many casts does a player have to make without moving 34 # To trigger an AFK event.

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7 Critical Cast Cooldown : 30 8 9 # Should the critical cast expire after a failed catch attempt? 10 Critical Cast Expire : false 11 12 # How many times look should a critical cast get you? 13 Critical Drop Multiplier : 3 14 15 # Should a bell sound play on bite? 16 Play Bell Sound On Bite : true 17 18 # Should fish have rarity? 19 Fish Rarity : true 20 21 # Should bait stack? 22 Stackable Baits : true 23 24 # Which economy plugin should be used? 25 # Supported plugins you have installed: "Vault". 1 Main : 2 3 # What should the chance be for a cast to become critical? 4 Critical Cast Chance : 10% 5 6 # The amount of time in seconds between critical casts.

Ultimate fishing simulator wiki